And before you modify your car to look flashy or to move faster, make sure some of those modifications you’re making aren’t going to cost you a whole lot of money.  Although some of these laws may vary from state to state, it’s always advised to research what is acceptable and what isn’t.

Let’s look at some of these modifications.

Plate Frames

Modifying your license plate is illegal in most states. Sure, you can change the frame into something more like your style, but if any obstructs the numbers or the alphabet on them or makes them less visible, then that’s a felony. You’ll get yourself a ticket.  

In some places like India, they are a little more strict with their license plates. If the fonts of the write-up are changed or if there is any artwork on it, it’s illegal. And also, the dimensions of the plate shouldn’t change. 

In Washington, it’s illegal to remove the front plates and put a covering over the rear plate. 

Loud Exhaust 

This one is just sound pollution. Suppose you want your car to seem more powerful by fixing an aftermath exhaust on your vehicle, then be ready to pay the fine. In states like California, you don’t get a fix-it ticket for your loud muffler. You get a fine straight away. 

The accepted decibels for your muffler shouldn’t be more than 95, but some states take it to 90 decibels. Except your driving a motorcycle or a truck weighing less than 6000 pounds. 

Body Lifting 

Lifting the body of your vehicle to increase the ground clearance is okay, but the problem is you shouldn’t alter the suspensions. 

In some states, the maximum frame height is 23 or 22 inches. And the suspensions should be at least both front and back and should be 8 inches in total. They usually say a truck or any multiple-purpose vehicle weighing 10,000 pounds or less should be 28 inches at best. 

Suspension Lowering 

Same as lifting the height of your vehicle, you can be penalized for reducing it. But as for my opinion, it’s better to lift a vehicle than to lower it. The chassis could scrap on the floor while driving or when you pass a bump which could damage a few things like your universal joint. And also, this may cause the wheels to come in contact with the body of the vehicle.

Auxiliary Lights 

Modifying your engine is illegal for so many reasons, but I’m going to mention only one. This modification can be really dangerous. Distracting vehicles in front of you or just damaging their vision.  

There are laws that regulate the amount of lights you can add and how bright it should be. The lights must also be amber or white light. 

Exhaust Emissions 

It’s required for all motor vehicles to have mufflers that are functioning and in good condition. It should prevent excessive noise or smoking. It’s illegal to operate a vehicle that emits visible smoke for more than 10 seconds in Texas. 

Do you know those air fresheners hanging off your rear view mirror? They Could be prohibited in your state, although rare.  In some states, anything that could obstruct the driver’s vision from the windshield or side mirror is illegal, including any hanging objects. 

Tinting windows is now a popular thing to do now. But it’s to a specific degree. In some states, the windscreen for the front and back should be at least 70 % transparent. For the side windows, the transparency should be at least 50%. 

Very dark tints can lead to accidents since it’s affecting visibility. Although the whole point of the tinted windows is so the people outside can’t clearly see inside, which is great, some maliceve activities could be going on inside and they’ll be no one to  notice. So this law is also for safety reasons. 

Bull bars are those metal rods placed in front of vehicle’s at the bumper that absorb shock from collision. This may sound like a good thing but in some scenarios it’s not.  

On impact the bull bar can transfer the shock directly to the body of the vehicle. And this may destroy the sensors like the parking and airbag sensors. When this happens the airbags might not deploy on time.

Some of these modifications may seem absurd, but they are illegal for a reason. A lot of them might cause harm to the owner one way or the other and could also damage the vehicle, so as much as you don’t appreciate them, at least respect the laws for your own safety. 

Is Painting Ferrari Illegal? 

In the case of Ferraris, any modifications that are made may be considered illegal. It may include a change in the engine, a crazy paint job, or in some instances, covering the Ferrari badge completely. 

Are HID Headlights Illegal?

If you want to make a modification to your car and you decide to get a HID headlamp kit. Just know it is illegal in 50 states of the US.