Things to know

Before any hiring process, there are a few things you need to prepare, namely

Your curriculum vitae

Your CV gives a potential employer a picture of what you’re capable of doing, interests, educational background and experience level. Including your referrals can be an added advantage you’ll, however, need to be careful with the contacts you’ve added instead you can add recommendation letters of places you’ve worked before if you just graduated recommendation letters of places you’ve volunteered. 

Cover letter

A cover letter is written to be accompanied by the CV. The letter should have more details about your experience level, and also write about the necessary skills relevant to the job you are applying for. Make it brief and reread it to make sure you have no spelling mistakes. 

Make a copy of relevant documents

Make a copy of your recommendation letters, and also have copies of your school certificates, relevant work permits if you’re in another country, and copies of your health insurance and pension. Having copies of such documents ready ensures you don’t scramble at the last minute if you get the job. 

Ikea’s hiring process

Do your research and know what positions are being advertised and positions you qualify for.  The resume will be reviewed putting into consideration whether you have the necessary educational background, experience level and skills that you have as written in the cover letter.  After the review successful applicants will be contacted. This can be done via email, by calling you directly or by sending you messages through the recruitment app used such as LinkedIn and Glassdoor. Make sure you include your most recent contacts in your resume.   The interview can be as short as 30 min or can take days. Ideal most interviews start with a large number of candidates and they are eliminated with each round of interviewsThe recruiters will give you an answer. If you didn’t qualify you are given reasons that disqualified you sometimes it’s because your skills and experience level might not be what they are looking for in that particular position but are suitable for another position.   Those who make it through the last round are given the training needed for the particular position. If you will be working remotely from home you are included in the company’s working system and shown how you’ll navigate through the company’s portal.  

How to prepare for an interview?

Do your due diligence and research about the position, its job description and relevant qualifications.  Do your research about the company. In this case, you’re applying to Ikea who is the targeted customer, the company’s approach to customer service and their products.  Write a list of questions frequently asked in interviews and come up with the necessary answers. You can ask a friend or relative to help you by listening to how you answer these questions and whether you need to make any adjustments.  Try picking your outfit a day before and having a backup ready. Some companies require that you go in official office clothes. Ikea asks that you show up in clothes that you are comfortable with that can be casual or official. Know the mode of transport to be used during the day of the interview and familiarize yourself with the company’s location. This is to avoid getting lost and wasting time on the day of the interview.  If you are having a virtual interview make sure your internet connection is stable, the device to be used is fully charged and you have enough electricity for those people who use prepaid electricity. You can also try to look for a location where you’ll be undisturbed.  

Frequently asked questions during interviews

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far? Talk about one challenge and give the solution offered.  Expected salary. You’ll need to do your research to make sure the amount quoted won’t be too low compared to the current salary offered to other employees in the same position at the company or too high. If you are still not sure, throw the question back at the interviewers, for example, you can say ” I am sure you have budgeted for this position. If you can share your rate card, I am open to negotiating.  What are your strengths? Avoid using answers like “am a perfectionist” instead if you have been working remotely online as a social media manager, talk of the experience and highlight what you’ve learnt such as web design and spearheading campaigns.  Why should we hire you? Try and identify weaknesses you’ve noticed. Sticking with the social media manager position you can try and look at their presence online and the type of campaigns that would help the company move on to a new market.   Why do you want to work with us? If you’ve just graduated you can tell the interviewers that you want to gain relevant job experience and you need a start.  

For employees that are part of the design team, they get to see their different designs being actualized.  Be part of a global team working in different countries. Since Ikea has different locations all over the world you work with other professionals working in different countries.  Network with your employees and employers doing this helps create meaningful connections that might alert you when promotions are open and might mention your name in the consideration list.  The flexible modes of working. You can work remotely from home or on-site at the company’s warehouse and showrooms.  

The most important thing in an interview is  to be patient when going through this whole process. It can take longer if the company’s job poster gets an overwhelming response from interested candidates. Preparation is just as important as the interview itself because it helps you be in the right mindset during the process.