At this point, it’s beyond safe to say that Black Panther is more than a moment - it’s a movement. Ryan Coogler’s first entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has far surpassed even the most optimistic early estimates about its box office potential, having recently overtaken Titanic’s domestic gross at the box office.

The internet (a.k.a. black Twitter) is undefeated when it comes to championing the things they love in new and exciting ways. Because Black Panther is pretty much the highest thing on that list right now, it’s been dominating social media for almost two months now. The most recent iteration of Wakandan appreciation has come in the form of fan-casting a 1990s version of the film, and it stands to reason that the best and biggest stars of the decade would play this group of iconic Marvel characters.

In the ’90s, the rights for Black Panther weren’t tucked away safely at Marvel Studios, but instead were held by Columbia Pictures - who actually did have a Black Panther movie in development for a while. In 1994, Columbia was looking to cash in on their newly acquired IP, and planned to make a movie starring Wesley Snipes as T’Challa. But due to the fact that the studio, Snipes, and Stan Lee couldn’t find the writer-director duo to bring their vision of the Panther to life, they stalled out during pre-production.

But let’s assume that’s not the case. Columbia finds an incredible script fit for the Wakandan king, and a director comes along who completely gets the story being told, and how to translate it visually. Now, it’s time to cast.

  • This Page: T’Challa, Killmonger, Nakia and more

Wesley Snipes as T’Challa

Word is that Snipes was lobbying hard for the role. Of course he doesn’t know that 4 short years later he could assume the role that defined an era as Blade. But in this alternate ’90s universe, that doesn’t have to be the case. Plus, it’d be hard to find another actor, at that time, with more draw than Wesley Snipes. His work clearly speaks for itself, and if we’re being technical, he could easily be considered an OG of the superhero genre. He knows what he’s doing.

Samuel L. Jackson as Killmonger

Of course, Sam Jackson as Nick Fury is perfect casting, and no one who’s seen him play the character would want it any other way. But there’s no possibility that a 1990s Black Panther makes it on the silver screen without him starring in it, and Mr. Jackson plays militant and vengeful in a way that almost no other actor can. A true juggernaut of the time, Sam had everything it took and more to match up against the strong, steady stoicism of Snipes’ T’Challa.

Naomi Campbell as Nakia

Naomi Campbell’s filmography is not the most extensive, but at that time she had made more than her fair share of cameos. And after her performances on the small screen in Empire and Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story: Hotel in our universe, it’s clear that something is there. If the casting director in this ’90s alternate universe caught even a glimpse of her potential, the role of Nakia would be hers. Campbell has a penchant for both grace and sass, both of which are required to pull off a convincing spy ex-girlfriend turned love interest - not to mention that in the 90s, Campbell’s star was possibly at its brightest ever.

Grace Jones as Okoye

This is almost too much of a no-brainer. There’s no way that the look of the Dora Milaje was not in some ways inspired by her presence in pop culture (she even got name-dropped in Coogler’s movie). Her character Zula in 1984’s Conan the Destroyer was literally as fierce as they come, and if anyone was born to play the commander of this all-woman warrior corps, it was Grace Jones.

Woody Harrelson as Agent Ross

We already know that Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson can be a successful comedic one-two punch, and whoever would play this character would need a good doe eyed deer-in-headlights look that he pulls off effortlessly. 1990s Woody would be perfect at everything Martin Freeman brings to the role: he knows how to deliver lines that release tension, and he’s even better at physical comedy that adds levity to action scenes.

Tupac Shakur as W’Kabi

Although we know how the story ends for Afeni’s son, this is an alternate universe where anything is possible. This version of Black Panther is well into pre-production by 1994 - two years before tragedy befell Tupac. Who knows, maybe this is the role that takes him out of the rap beef game forever. Shakur played characters in eight films total, and three weren’t even in theaters until after his murder. But one thing was for sure: he could act. Tupac was a thespian, attending arts school for a large part of his childhood life, and his raw talent showed on screen. Who better to play the character that allows Killmonger footing in Wakanda in a fit of passion?

Tatyana Ali as Shuri

Tatyana Ali has plenty of experience playing a little sister. And although they might have to work around her shooting schedule for Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, this would’ve been a role securing her a future in Hollywood blockbusters to come. Much of Shuri’s charm in Black Panther comes from her comedic timing, which is something Ali has in spades. This role would also give her a chance to show the world her range in those scenes that call for some emotional depth.

Michael Jai White as M’Baku

This one was a big favorite on Twitter, and it’s pretty hard to argue against this logic. Once you’ve seen it, you can’t really un-see it. The second closest fan cast that made any sense was Mr. T, and that’s only because there wouldn’t have to be any discussion about his hairstyle. Michael Jai White’s intensity on screen would be perfect for everything this character represents. Although White was still relatively unknown at this time in the ’90s, as soon as he walked into the casting directors office, he’d be pretty hard to turn away.

Cicely Tyson as Ramonda

Cicely Tyson is a legend, and this is a casting that should need no explanation. If you’ve ever seen her on screen then you would already know regality flows from her aura. This is a woman who has portrayed Coretta Scott King and Harriet Tubman with an unrivaled amount of emotional intelligence. She’s already a queen, and by this time she would already have decades of qualifications as well. Anything Cicely Tyson brought to a 1990s Black Panther would be very welcome.

Morgan Freeman as Zuri

1990s Morgan Freeman is one of the biggest Hollywood stars that exist. He’s fresh off of two NAACP awards, a Golden Globe and an Oscar nom for Driving Miss Daisy and Lean on Me, and in 1994 he gets nominated for another Academy Award thanks to his role in The Shawshank Redemption. Mr. Freeman is at the top of the heap, and if there’s going to be a while shamanistic mentor that sacrifices himself to spring our hero into action, and raise stakes, he’s the man to do it.

Jack Nicholson as Ulysses Klaue

Bearded Jack Nicholson has the sinister look down without even making a real attempt at it, and in the ’90s he’s at peak form in the villainy department. Just a few years earlier he played one of the most seminal baddies of all time in Tim Burton’s Batman. And although it’s currently frowned upon to go jumping between DC and Marvel, there is none of that nonsense to deal with in this Black Panther. This is a Columbia Picture.

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