The cost for the removal of the hymen varies from place to place and from one location to the other.

The Cost of Hymenectomy Depends on:

Location: Generally the cost may range from one thousand dollars to as much as ten thousand dollars. In the United State, it is About $300 to $5000Insurance: it is a minor surgery that is likely to be covered by health insurance. People with insurance tend to pay less for the surgeryThe type of surgery: Cruciate incisions, involves making incisions in the form of lines on the hymen to let out accumulated blood. This is done in a microperforated or easily perforated hymen. Partial hymenectomy involves the removal of part of the hymen. Total hymenectomy involves the removal of the whole hymen, this is usually done in patients with very thick hymen. Cruciate and partial hymenectomy may require another surgery if blood is still retained in the body. The more the number of surgery, the more the cost. Total hymenectomy does not require another surgery, therefore, it is cost-effective. Surgical charges: Surgeon charges a different amount for the same proceduresAnaesthetic charges: Anesthetists charge a different amount for the same procedure also. Hymenectomy may require epidural anesthesia which is more expensive compared to local anesthesia. Treatment as an outpatient or inpatient: Charges for outpatients usually is not much compared to that of inpatients because they require more hospital resources for care than outpatientPresence of comorbidities: Patients with underlying diseases such as bleeding disorders may tend to pay more than those without any underlying medical conditions. There may be a need to give patients with bleeding disorders anticoagulants, this will add to the cost of the surgery.

The Procedure Itself:

After the patient is counselled on the need for the surgery and consent has been signed, the surgery can be doneThe patient is anaesthetized, meaning given medications to prevent pain during surgeryThis should be done under aseptic conditionThe field of operation is exposedThe surgery is done by a gynaecologist using different surgical instruments necessaryThe patient awaits recovery

Indication for Hymenectomy.

Imperforate hymen: This may be congenital, in that, one is born with it. Normally the hymen suppose to have openings to allow flow during menstruation. When there is no opening at all, the situation is called the imperforate hymen. This situation can be distressing. Micro-perforated hymen: This is when the hymen is not fully perforated and the little perforation available is not sufficient to cause menstrual blood to flow. There may be the presence of pain which may affect the productivity of the patient.

Reasons for Hymenectomy

To allow proper flow of menses To relieve the patient of lower abdominal pain that may occur with an intact hymenTo relieve abdominal symptoms such as nausea and bloating. To prevent the accumulated blood from being a source of infection in the body


There can be complications from anesthesia, usually regional or local anesthesia may be done, therefore, when the effect of anesthesia wears off there can be pain. An increased bleeding tendency may occur in someone with a bleeding disorderThere may be a need to do a total hysterectomy if a partial hysterectomy was done and there is still no complete outflow of blood during menses.


Hymenectomy is highly essential to ensure the normalcy of a female reproductive pattern. Its cost, no matter how high or low should not be an inhibitor to performing the surgery

  1. Is it possible to be born without a hymen?

Answer: Yes, it is possible

  1. I am a Nigerian who travels to Saudi Arabia, I need a hysterectomy, how much will I do it?

Answer: This depends on the location and insurance. If you are under health insurance, you may pay a lesser fee

3.. What can cause the hymen to be broken, apart from surgery?

Answer: Excessive exercise, masturbation, sexual intercourse, and inserting different things such as tampons into the vagina.

  1. I don’t have enough money to do a hymenectomy, what should I do?

Answer: You can save up before your appointment date or possibly reschedule the appointment with the doctor to save more before the procedure.

  1. Does Hymen has to do With Virginity?

Answer: This may have to do with virginity. A person with intact hymen is assumed to be a virgin. However, people with or without hymen may not be virgins. This is because some may be born without hymen and some may be Born with hymen and may have the hymen removed due to one reason or the other.