Gamers can currently pay any price on Humble Bundle and receive Her Story, along with cyberpunk puzzle game Read Only Memories and mature interactive game Cibele. Paying more than the average amount offered for the bundle (which has been hovering around $4) will unlock quirky graphic adventure game Broken Age, Time Magazine Game of 2014, IGF winner, and four-time BAFTA nominee 80 Days, and sprawling action-adventure title Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! Parts 1 & 2. Paying $10 or more will also unlock Hardcore Gamer’s Best Strategy Game of 2015, Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition. 

This month’s Humble Bundle is supporting the charity Worldreader. Worldreader’s goal is to bring digital books to children and their families. Since 2011, the global nonprofit has reached 5.6 million readers in 69 countries, with a digital library of 28,500 e-books. As usual, customers can choose how much of their payment goes to support the charity, the game’s developers, and Humble Bundle itself. Customers can also choose instead to support one of a thousand other charities.

Founded in 2010, Humble Bundle is a digital storefront for video games committed to providing cheap quality titles and donating part of its profits to charity. Humble Bundle currently runs bi-weekly game and book bundles where customers choose their price – along with Humble Store, an online store which offers discounted games, and Humble Monthly, a paid prescription service that delivers a curated bundle of games every month to each customer’s inbox. The current Humble Narrative Bundle will run until June 14th.