There are nearly as many ways to get fame in Humankind as there are end conditions. We won’t cover those here, but we will talk about how you can bring the game to an end, as well as how to set them up.
To set the end conditions for any new game, go to the main menu -> click “Play” -> click “New Game” -> click “Pace”. You’ll see “Selected Setting Details” below the five game speed options at the top and “End Conditions” below that.
To the right is a drop-down menu set to “Default.” Other options include “Last Human Standing,” “Time Limit,” and “Space Race.” To change the constraints, simply click one of the options. You can see their criteria if you hover over them with your mouse, but we’ve also included them below.
Reaching the last turn (300 turns at normal speed) Earning every Contemporary Era star Completing the technology tree Eliminating all other empires Vassalizing all of the surviving empires Sending a mission to Mars Rendering the world unfit for human life
Last Human Standing
Reaching the last turn (300 turns at normal speed) Eliminating all other empires Vassalizing all of the surviving empires Rendering the world unfit for human life
Time Limit
Reaching the last turn (300 turns at normal speed) Rendering the world unfit for human life
Space Race
Reaching the last turn (300 turns at normal speed) Sending a mission to Mars Rendering the world unfit for human life
It’s possible that you reach these end conditions without having the necessary Fame to be named the winner. What’s more, only one of these prerequisites needs to be met to achieve victory, not all of them. Some, such as completing the technology tree, will give you large amounts of Fame along the way, so it’s possible you’re poised to win anyway.
As we mention elsewhere (see the link at the bottom of this article), it’s easiest to reach the last turn on normal and complete the tech tree or render the world inhospitable. War is always an option, but Humankind in its current state seems to favor other methods of victory over forcing the world into submission.
Worth noting is that you can’t finish a game by reaching the last turn unless you are playing at normal speed; it doesn’t count for any of the other speeds.
And that’s what you need to know about the win and end conditions in Humankind. For more, consider reading our guide on how to exploit the resources system for assured victory.