With superhero movies never being as popular as they are right now, Fox is quickly approaching the end of the road with its most recognizable lead character. After 17 years spanning multiple appearances in various timelines and decades, Hugh Jackman is hanging up his adamantium claws for good with Logan. The R-rated character study appears to be unlike any other portrayal of the character so far, and a departure from the typical comic book movie formula.

Fox found success in being different last year with Deadpool, a passion project pushed along by star, producer, and writer Ryan Reynolds. With Deadpool’s popularity at an all-time high and him being touted as the next cornerstone in the X-Men world, Fox is in great position to keep the universe moving. However, this will mean that the characters will never appear on screen together (because nobody counts what happened in X-Men Origins: Wolverine).

With so many people anxiously hoping for Deadpool and Wolverine to star in a team-up movie, it began to seem more likely that something would be arranged. However, Jackman said in a recent Facebook live interview for Logan that there is no chance a Deadpool and Wolverine team-up movie will take place.

This is undoubtedly a missed opportunity for Fox, but one that looks to be unavoidable at this point. Deadpool’s sense of humor would not mix well with the tone of Logan, making a cameo feel out of place - which is exactly why it isn’t happening. This leaves Deadpool 2 as the only possibility of the two characters existing on the same screen together, but this is just the latest example of Jackman saying he is ready to move on from the role.

No, and Ryan is currently sleeping outside my house. [Laughs] Look, if that movie had appeared 10 years ago, probably a different story, but I knew two and a half years ago that this was the last one. The first call I made was to [Logan director James Mangold]. I said, ‘Jim, I got one more shot at this,’ and as soon as Jim came up with the idea and we worked on it, I was never more excited. But, it feels like the right time. Deadpool, go for it man, do your thing. You don’t need me.

While a team-up movie is most definitely out of the question, reports of a special scene being attached to the beginning of Logan has already sparked speculation that it could include Jackman and Reynolds together on screen in some capacity. Whether or not they would be in character as their superhero alter-egos is up for debate, but it looks as though this would be the closest the characters come to interacting in a movie.

This does not entirely rule out the possibility of Deadpool and Wolverine appearing together, but it won’t be Jackman in the role. Given the fact that the two actors have a good relationship, it is not out of the realm of possibility that Jackman makes a cameo as himself in Deadpool 2, but that too is only speculation at this point. Sure, it would’ve been great to see the two characters on screen together in these incarnations, but the truth of the matter is Fox made the right move by not forcing Deadpool into Logan, and while a team-up movie would certainly make a lot of money, Jackman deserves the right to walk away from the character the way he wants.

Next: Logan Promo with Deadpool May Be Arriving Soon

Source: Facebook

  • Wolverine 3 Release Date: 2017-03-03 Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18