A few years ago, starting with the One M8, HTC started itself on a trend of a distinct numbering scheme for its flagship smartphones. Earlier this year, though, it broke that trend and named its latest high-end device the U Ultra, which apparently alluded to the fact the company planned on jumping on a new branding scheme from that point on. And, sure enough, that does indeed appear to be the case. VentureBeat reveals today that HTC is allegedly going to call its next flagship phone, which will be unveiled on May 16 and has been known as the “HTC U” up to this point, the “HTC U 11.” While it’s a bit of a jump, considering we’re only one U-labeled device in at this point, it does line up with the company’s numbering scheme for its main flagship series up to this point: HTC One M8, One M9, the HTC 10, and, now, apparently, the HTC U 11. So it would seem that, for now, HTC is leaning into the U branding. With rumored specs including a 5.5-inch Quad HD display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, Android 7.1 Nougat, and different built-in storage options, it could be a brand that sticks around. Plus, with the rumored Edge Sense feature set to shake things up, which will allow owners to launch apps just by squeezing the phone, it could certainly be a noteworthy device. Are you looking forward to seeing what the HTC U 11 has to offer?