This morning, ’s ATAdivision announced the full details of oject cquard. It’s one of ’s many wild crazy experiments, it involves weaving multitouch textile sensors into regular clothing to turn, say, a boring sleeve into a trackpad of sorts. The material can be woven braided into many types of fabric, including silk, wool, even some synthetic fibers. “It’s very comfortable,” said Ivan upyrev, Technical ogram ad at ’s ATA He conducted the oject cquard presentation while wearing a white, corduroy-like jacket on stage with the technology embedded within a patch on his left arm. I asked him if he was sweaty. “It’s just like a normal jacket,” he replied. Maybe that was too personal. I was curious about the implementation of the technology, so I tried out oject cquard for myself. I didn’t get to wear anything, but there were demonstration tables with various examples of what the fabric could do out in the wild. oject cquard works just like the trackpad on my MacBook Air. I can swipe across, it’ll register that action. I can hover above it, it knows I’m about to touch it—or at least I think it does. There were monitors showing how exactly the fabric registered my motions, but I had no idea what I was doing. s I swiping up or down? Did I mean to do what I just did? I then tried changing the color of several Hue lightbulbs at another table. I had no idea what I was doing there, either, except that every time I touched the fabric, the bulbs changed color. “It’s not the same accuracy as capacitive sensors,” said Carsten Schwesig, design lead on oject cquard. “If you imagine, in clothing, [this experiment] lends itself to broad gestures that work from the human perspective the sensor perspective. Assuming it was on the arm, you’d kind of tap swipe.” I did that, but maybe I wasn’t doing it the right way. I later learned that Schwesig has a background in interaction design. He’s been tapping into that knowledge to determine how this kind of technology could be implemented. There are plenty of use cases that exp beyond the clothes on your back. “[It can be used in] any scenario where woven textiles are used, really,” said Schwesig. “Car interiors are an area we’re thinking about… I talked to someone who used it in medical equipment. Clothing is by no means [oject cquard’s] only application.” still has a ton of logistics to work out before the fabric is ready for primetime. For instance, there’s the issue of how it stays powered, which varies by the context it’s used in. “In the case of the clothing, we expect it to powered by battery,” said Schwesig, though he added that conductive fabric is so low powered, it could last for days on a single charge. A byster asked whether the fabric could last a year. Schwesig quickly retorted, “It probably won’t last a year…I can’t give you any specific number. A year is probably too much. But in the longer term, there’s also textile-based energy harvesting techniques so on, where this thing could be self sufficient. It doesn’t need very much power.” oject cquard isn’t heading to a jacket near you any time soon. It seems the announcement of the partnership with vi’s is more of a formality—a way for to announce its intention to evolve the technology a bit further before actually bringing it to market. “From a fashion designer’s perspective wearer’s perspective, we want this to be as flexible as the stuff you already wear,” said Schwesig. “As opposed to electronics, which have a very fixed form factor very fixed functionality.” I asked upyrev what happens if he gets a stain on his jacket. He replied, “st wash it normally. Dry clean is fine.”